Wednesday, April 25, 2012


wow blogspot da maju sgt sekarang im so confused mcm mana nak guna.
and im just using a random name first sbb takda idea skrg. *iknowitslame

Since im about to start a new life, why not make a new blog.
you know to share it with strangers i dont even know?
well maklumlah, mmg tengah lifeless sekarang. you know, no job, no money (actually i still have some more dari kerja last month) nothing to do at home selain makan, berak, tidur, tgk tv, staring at the laptop? what else?

So i just dapat tawaran masuk matrikulasi perak. Sometimes i get confused with perak and perlis so i really dont know tempat tu jauh ke atau kawasan kampung ke tak. So i googled it and randomly open this girl punye blog and cakap pasal matrikulasi perak. hmmm..not bad jugak. I'm kinda excited too. So we'll see how it goes and hope for the best. insyaallah.

assalamualaikum. =)

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