Sunday, May 6, 2012

As we go on, we remember all the times we had together

I remembered as i walked inside the school gate, heading straight to our own spot at the 'pondok'. That is our place where all of us could gather before the ring bells. We would talk and gossip whatever happened. When it was exam week, we would discuss all the topics together and share questions.

I wasn't a saint, nor did i carry a bad reputation at school. I was just a student who doesn't want to be too involved so much in school and just wanted to end high school with my friends. And by that, for those who knows me, I wasn't that kind of a quite, shy and innocent girl.

Confession time : Dulu time form 1,2,3 tak sangat, form 4 dah berlagak sikit, form 5 lagi la buat mcm sekolah bapak kita punya. Well, aktiviti harian bermula begini. Kalau nak pegi sekolah, mana ada datang sebelum 730 atau sebelum loceng bunyi. Time nak beratur tu la bru lari nk masuk sekolah atau lagi bagus, pukul 8 mcm tu. Time cikgu dah habis membebel and dah masuk kelas. Yelah, time tu pengawas semua dah tak jaga pagar, boleh la masuk berlenggang lenggok. Masuk kelas, cikgu tak sampai lagi.. apa lagi? turun bawah pegi kantin dan beli semua snack-snack ringan yang boleh terus suap masuk dalam mulut bila cikgu tengah tulis kat papan hitam. Homework pon da beribu alasan bagi kat cikgu sebab tak buat. Yelah, bila kita penat-penat dengan semangatnya buat, tengok2 cikgu tak mintak langsong. Apelagi, cikgu pon dah malas nak layan. suke hati kamu lah! Kadang-kadang kalau cikgu tak datang or cikgu yang bosan masuk kelas, kami semua pegi lepak kat bilik kaunseling. Maklumlah, guru guru kaunseling pon dah memang rapat dengan ktorang ( bukan sebab ktorang slalu kene kaunseling ) tapi ktorang suke sangat tolong cikgu. Kalau dtg bilik tu, ade je bende yang cikgu suruh tolong *peluang yang baik untuk ponteng kelas dengan memberi alasan ini* Kalau time exam pulak mcm mne? hmm..kadang2 ade la jugak tiru meniru, share share jawapan, bawak buku masuk kelas..tapi sy xde lah berani sgt bawak buku masuk *hehee bawak masuk kertas formula pon dah cukup. ^_^ and sebulan before spm, semua org tak dtg sekolah. belajar kat rumah lagi best.but don't worry, time SPM we were all good. iSwear (Y)

Bile time sekolah, i always complain how i hate high school and can't wait to end it. But now when it finally ended, rasa rindu sangat2! yess. And there are too many funny moments about skipping classes and caught cheating. Way too many to write it all down here.

Without these memories, my high school life would be just about education. Sometimes, it's fun to break some rules. =)

love them so so much! <3

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